Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Core Focused

While my life was engulfed in moving chaos, I ended up spending a week living with my parents. It was so much simpler since all of my day to day stuff was already moved, while all my furniture was not. One thing that I quickly discovered while staying with them, is that I had been living in an apartment that was letting me live in denial. In my old place, the only full length mirror was in my livingroom, and as I had no blinds, and only sheer curtains, this prevented me from ever seeing myself naked. Not that that would typically be a problem, It’s not like I have any need or desire to check out my naked body. However, it is a problem when you stay at your parents house, and realize for the first time that you have a very prominent muffin top.
This really should be of no surprise to me. After-all, I eat when I’m stressed, I eat when I’m bored, I eat when I’m happy, and I have been a combination of all of these things over the past few months.  But its not like I hadn’t been exercising, and I hadn’t even noticed my clothes fitting differently, and the scale had literally not changed so when I saw myself from the chest down, I was sort of startled.  This of course got my thinking about anyone who had seen me naked recently… it’s a short list, but if I was having this reaction to my own body… I’m not even going to finish that thought. It was time for a change.  I know we are typically a lot more critical of our own bodies, because we all have hang-ups and insecurities, which is natural, but that week long stay at my parents house, and a week’s worth of seeing myself naked each day, I was ready to push myself a little bit.
I promptly got out my copy of the Abs Diet for Women and started reading. Though typically I am skeptical of diets in all shapes and sizes, this is actually one I can get on board with. Firstly, it’s not a typical diet plan that involves restricting calories, and depriving yourself of all things delicious. It focuses on twelve main power foods, and they are all tasty things that are already a huge part of my day to day life. Things like peanut butter, olive oil, spinach, almonds, whole grains, milk, berries, and oatmeal. 

It is also not a diet that is really focused on numbers and calories. Yes, as with any diet, it is a way to lose weight, but I feel like the main focus is more about gaining a healthy lifestyle, building more muscle and getting in shape, rather than dropping pounds. Muscle after all weighs more than fat, and the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn (just by doing nothing!) Though there is a great section about how to figure out your body mass index, your percentage of body fat, and how many calories you should be consuming, the main focus of the Abs Diet is about super charging your metabolism, which will in turn build more muscle, and burn more fat. Sadly, I have gotten to the point in my life where my metabolism has slowed down a little bit… at least I’m assuming it has. When I was in college I exercised a few days a week, but nothing too strenuous, and I was drinking a lot more alcohol, and yet I was 10 pounds lighter. Oh to be young. =)  
My favorite thing about the Abs Diet is that it encourages snacking! In fact you are supposed to eat 6 times a day, which means three meals and three snacks. Even though I am not always hungry at snack time, eating more frequently keeps me feeling satiated longer, so I am less likely to fall off the wagon. So many diets you see are a cup of yogurt in the morning, carrot sticks at lunch, and then by the time dinner rolls around your body is so starved for energy that overeating is inevitable. With the Abs diet that is never a problem. This is great for me, because I am constantly snacking at work.  Plus get you a flex meal every week in which you can eat whatever the hell you want. Forget the rules, forget the power foods, indulge your cravings, and start over tomorrow. Talk about freeing! Knowing that you can eat a plate of onion rings without totally un-doing everything you have worked for is my kind of plan.
Another thing I really like about the Abs Diet, is that it comes with a workout plan. Forget hitting a plateau, because there are a variety of exercises for each main muscle group, meaning it is very easy to change up your workout a few times a week. I often get stuck in a rut, and end up doing the same exercises week after week, meaning my body just gets really good at that one exercise, rather than pushing past that. Also there are optional cardio workouts, meaning if I want to I can push and exercise 5 days a week, or 3 days a week, whatever works into my schedule, so if I’m crazed at work one week, and miss a few workouts, it’s not the end of the world. Not only that, but the Abs diet makes it incredibly easy to exercise no matter what your situation or experience level is. There are home versions of every exercise, as well as suggestions for the gym, suggestions for people who have never exercised in their life, and suggestions for people who run five miles a day. There are modifications and adaptations for new mothers, calorie counters, lactose intolerant people and even vegetarians!
Though I’ve only being seriously following the Abs diet for about a week, I am already noticing more definition in my arms and legs. My main goal for the Abs Diet is to becoming longer and leaner, and not necessarily to lose weight (though that would be an added bonus!). The book is chalk full of testimonials from women of all ages, shapes, and sizes and their results after 6 weeks. Though a lot of them did lose some weight, it seems like most of them gained more muscle, and burned more fat rather than shedding pounds. So I’m optimistic about this lifestyle change, even though I’m not sure I will have the promised “flat belly in 6 weeks” at least I’ll be well on my way to a longer and leaner me.  Following the Abs diet has also been a nice distraction from the fact that I am still waiting to hear from graduate schools! At least now I’m making grocery lists, and planning out snacks rather than stalking the postman.  Focusing on the Power 12, is a lot more enjoyable than focusing on the 4 schools I have yet to hear from. Speaking of which, it’s time for my afternoon snack!

The Abs Diet Power 12
  1. Almonds and other Nuts
  2. Beans and Legumes
  3. Spinach and other green vegetables
  4. Dairy
  5. Instant oatmeal (though any unflavored, unsweetened will work, instant is just more convenient)
  6. Eggs
  7. Turkey and other lean meats (or in my case, Tofu)
  8. Peanut Butter
  9. Olive Oil
  10. Whole-grain Breads & cereals
  11. Extra Protein Powder
  12. Raspberries and other berries

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