I know I've been neglecting my blog over the pas few weeks... its not intentional....I've just been running on overdrive between my job and my pet volunteer projects I feel like all of my creative energy is going elsewhere at the moment, and that is just how life is. I have ideas, and things I want to write about and have plenty of notes jotted down in my notebook, and have composed post after post in my head (if only there was a way to get my thoughts on my blog without having to sit down and type them up) but alas, none of them have been written ( a little something to look forward too though!)
This week my dad asked me if I actually considered myself a writer since my writing seems so sporadic at times... and I have to admit it made me really defensive. I mean I had a poem in the Arts Alliance of Yamhill County Newsletter this month (never mind that I know the editor) and I have been writing! Granted, I've been writing advertisements, press releases, and newsletters, but they get a healthy dose of my creative flair... Not to mention the fact that my two volunteer projects happen to be a literary contest an a creative writing festival...
Not that I should be giving excuses. The fact of the matter is that I'm busy, and my creative talents are being used elsewhere at the moment, and when I have time for a free breath, I've been opting to spend them vegging on the couch regaining my energy for the next work week... And when you are living breathing, eating work, there aren't as many exciting (or awkward) things to write about.
So here I am, I'm not ignoring my followers, I'm just sparing you from reading something from the depths of my over-worked, over-exhausted, over-event coordinated, brain... all I ask for is another week and I promise I'll re-gain my spunk and creativity. I promise to pull myself out from this "farmy" state of mind and get back to writing... next week.
Curried Cauliflower Soup
12 years ago
I have a friend who says a writer is always on. Ideas are always coming. Drafts are constantly written, and sometimes only on the pages of our minds, but when time is right, they make their way to paper...or keyboard. To everything...there is a season (cue the music).