Monday, September 6, 2010

I survived!

Good News,

I'm still alive after "running" the half marathon! Ok running might be a little much... jogging? Trotting? I don't know if there are actual words to describe my pace of movement... but I like to call it running. That being said, I am still coming to terms with the fact that I was passed by SEVERAL power-walkers throughout the race... (one of them was a seventy-something year old man...) But my official time was still 2 hours and 53 minutes! I was assuming it would take me over 3 hours to complete it, so I was thrilled that even though I broke down and walked a bit that I still made it in under 3 hours! There were some definete rough patches (like the 3.5 miles of gravel hilly country roads that started at mile 8) but I survived!

I got up at 5AM on race day, and immediately I was thinking "no way in hell. I paid money to get up this early and run 13.1 miles?" After all, I am not a runner! I've decided that there are two types of people "runners" and "people who run" and I am a person who runs (or jogs... or trots). I still don't know what got into me that I had the desire to do this, but I do have a great sense of accomplishment.
My Sister-In-Law and I at 6AM

Initially I signed up because I thought I would need something to distract me from the fact that I didn't get into graduate school. Running seemed like a healthier option than eating or drinking excessively, so I paid $80, and figured there was no turning back.  Well that way May, and this is September, and I can honestly say that I did not need the distraction. Work got crazy, I started yoga school, and all the excess running was really more of a hassle than anything else. I started to feel like all I did on my days off was excercise, and I will be very glad to take a bit of a break from running. I do think I will continue to run a couple times a week, but I'm talking more like 2-3 miles, rather than 7-8 at a time. I'm excited to get back to the gym after a summer absence, and I'm excited to have a little more free-time on my days off!

The race itself was actually pretty fun. It's weird to be around 2,000 all running towards the same place. For me running is a solitary activity, I just listen to my music, have some time with my thoughts, and get in the zone. So it was an adjustment to be running in a herd of people. I knew a ton of the people  who were running, and started the race next to my dentist and his wife, and was right behind one of my co-workers. They quickly pulled ahead of me.... and as the race went on, I was passed several time by people that I knew. They each kindly tapped me on the shoulder and waved as they went by, and I embraced my spot in the 12-13 minute mile bracket.

Oh Look... It's my spot

I was totally in the groove until I hit the gravel... and then my body simply said "NO" but overall I think I ran at least 11.5 of the 13.1 miles. I am currently in a cycle of "Advil, Ice, repeat" and probably will be until I can get my hips stretched out. Right now my hips don't lie, and they are telling me that I do not have a runner's body. Thank God for Yoga.

 The Post Race Shock... I mean afterglow

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! Congratulations, you made it!! And now you never have to do it again. :)
