Sunday, January 3, 2010

Out with the Old, In with the New

I know, I know I know, I still need to blog about the  Christmas Turducken, which let's face it, was a pivotal moment in 2009, but alas, I don’t have the pictures on my computer yet. Don’t worry it's coming.

I was a little bit excited to say goodbye to 2009 and welcome in the potential of 2010 on Thursday night. Not that there was anything wrong with 2009, I’m just hoping my universal karma is a little better in 2010. 2009 was the year of leaky roofs, multiple strep throat occurrences, wardrobe malfunctions, awkward encounters, Wedding Mayhem (at work of course, all the weddings involving my friends and family were awesome) STAPH infection, mice infestation, tire slashing, ghost chasing, and other adventures that will remain unlisted. I try not to be a pessimist and dwell on the negative, and at least most of these encounters have left me with priceless stories, but I’m hoping that my experiences in 2010 do not involve things like parading around town with my skirt tucked into my skivvies, high doses of antibiotics, pet bandages, being a crippled bridesmaid, and overall apartment tragedy.
The year began with an epic snowstorm and equally as epic leaky roof, and at about 10:00 on Thursday night, mere hours left in the year I found myself sitting in a bar covered head to toe in beer listening to the worst pick up line of all time.  As I was waiting in line for drinks with my friends a guy came up to me and simply said “You know what, you really stink”  (again, I was covered in beer,  so this was not news to me) and really, what is a girl supposed to say to that? The awkward silence that followed was just a little too long and a little too awkward before he finally continued “Do you want to know why? Because you’ve had people around you all night, and I haven’t had a chance to talk to you.”  And so as I stood in line, a not so great cover of a Dave Matthews Band song playing in the background, wet, sticky, smelling of beer, I said goodbye to the adventures of 2009, and gladly embraced the possibilities of 2010.
I am incredibly grateful that I was able to bid adieu to 2009 in the company of great friends who were more than willing to dance with me even though I smelled like beer.

Though I’m typically not one for resolutions, in 2010, I hope to: complain less, read more, eat less meat, drink more water, enjoy more quiet moments, try new things, do more yoga, write more poetry, put out good vibes, only wear pretty underwear, host more dinner parties, be content, master Rockband,  live in the moment.

Here is to 2010 and all of its glorious potential.

1 comment:

  1. Just one more thing to add to your resolutions: continue being awesome. Otherwise, I think you've got everything covered nicely.
