Monday, January 2, 2012


I’m on vacation… and two books into the Hunger Games series… I resisted them for so long… and now approximately 4 days and two books in, I’m awake at midnight trying to figure out how I can get my hands on my Brother’s Copy of Mockingjay before he finishes it… (there are no copies in McMinnville right now… at least not at the Library, or bookstores… Can anyone help me out by like 10AM? I’m lying in bed thinking about a futuristic science fiction rebellion… and yes, I’m still single… shocking, no?) as I cannot quiet my mind, and vacation seems to have re-ignited my nocturnal tendencies, I guess a blog post about the new year will do… (I totally predicted the ending of the 2nd book, by the way… everyone did, right? I’m twenty-six, and these books are written for what age group? Still I feel so much better about reading them than some other teen fad series… I’m really sorry if you are on the Twilight train… I just can’t get there)

2012…  a time for resolutions… well not so much resolutions… I sort of cringe at them… really let’s call them goals (and sadly, I fear if I begin to list them out, many will be the same things I listed last year… I’m pretending to be ignorant of this, and just won’t look at the related blog post)…  

My main goal for the year is to be more positive. To leave my pessimism behind, at least a little bit, and try to embrace the good things in my life. Some days it is so easy to complain… and sadly I think it connects me to people. We all have had rough work situations, frustrating relationships, things we need to vent about… and somehow it seems to much more acceptable to gripe and complain, and to offload about these things than it does to instead focus on and share the positive. Everyone can relate to a bad date, a terrible day at work, a miscommunication… It almost seems like focusing on the positive and celebrating it is like rubbing it in people’s noses… “look at my life, it’s pretty great, I’m so happy!”  I often think back to the Sex and the City episode where Miranda goes on a date with this guy, and he totally makes her feel beautiful and confident, and as a result she realizes how great her life is, and totally celebrates it. Then he never calls her again, and when she decides to confront him about it at the gym he tells her that she seemed really full of herself… I think that is a pretty common fear… you like your life too much, and it’s like you are flaunting it to the world… but you complain too much and the result it just as off-putting… My solution… just to be happy where I’m at… and maybe that means sharing my life a little less… not venting as many frustrations, and maybe just focusing on some positives. Because life is pretty great. I have a supportive family, a job, an apartment, and a best buddy pet… and at the end of the day after all my frustrations, and struggles, and failed attempts… that is all that really matters… so I’m staying positive in 2012… and maybe, just maybe putting off more positive energy will draw more positive energy back my way.

Oh and I’m also trying to take better care of myself… which of course encompasses, mental, physical, financial and emotional aspects of my life… I don’t know what all that entails yet… but I’m taking mutli-vitamins, and committed to 5 yoga classes a week,  I’m going on vacation soon, and obviously I'm reading more... so that’s a start.

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