Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It seemed like a good idea at the time...

Moving is sucking the very life out of my soul… Ok, so maybe that is a little melodramatic, but some days that is how I feel. In my mind, moving next door was the best possible moving scenario… no maneuvering furniture up & down the stairs, no renting of u-hauls, no coercing relatives to let your borrow their truck & muscle for the afternoon. I simply had to move from point A to Point B, easy peesy.  This was of course slightly unrealistic.
My first mistake was not getting a wagon or a wheelbarrow to haul countless boxes, food and knickknacks between the two apartments. Typically a move is judged by car or truckloads “oh we only have about two loads left” however, when you are walking things from residence to residence, the outcome is not as optimistic. “Oh only about 307 armloads left”
On the bright side, my goal was to be 100% completely out of Apartment A last Thursday, and I was! On the not-so-bright side, I’ve been living in the chaos of Apartment B for almost a week. Yes, progress is being made daily, my bathroom is settled, books are on the shelves, the kitchen is mostly done, I have a place to sleep, and the internet finally works! But I’m finding that I am far too easily distracted. I start to put away one thing, then see something else & move to that, I shuffle boxes from one room to another, move pictures from leaning against the wall, to leaning against the couch.  It’s like my living room is a giant puzzle, and rather than just working on one section I’m bouncing all over the place.  I have nesting ADD. 
I’m also making lots of interesting little discoveries about my new abode. Firstly, my new bedroom is roughly 6 inches smaller than my previous bedroom. Though six inches isn’t a lot, it is just enough to completely throw off the arrangement, and now I’m forced to put my full length mirror in my living room.  I’ve also discovered that showering with my bathroom door open, results in setting off the smoke alarm in my bedroom, unless the ceiling fan is on high blast, and mere moments ago I discovered a small hole in one of the windows. It’s a very small precise whole, most likely from a rock, but I’ve already started to refer to it as the bullet hole.
Alright, break time is over… who has time to blog when there are pictures to be hung & boxes to break down? Looking forward to the next week or two when things get put away, and I can focus on other things like grad-school applications….

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