Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Excuse me, but when did June happen? Halfway through the year already? I’m actually pretty excited for the month, though it will be a busy one. I’m using the month of June to get motivated (on many levels) and “detox” my life a little bit.
Firstly, I’m starting a Yoga Certification Program on the 2nd. This means lots of intense yoga every week, with at least three hours of dedicated class time, and three hours of actual yoga outside of my personal practice. Hello Downward Facing Dog, goodbye muffin top… at least I’m hoping. I’m also really excited to explore the anatomy, as well as the spiritual side of Yoga. God only knows that I will need some meditation and relaxation as wedding season comes into full swing.  Of course with any sort of class comes the required homework, but I’m excited for the structure, and I’m optimistic that the reading will be interesting.
Since the days will be getting longer for a majority of the month, I’ve decided to spend more time outside enjoying the springtime (if the Oregon weather ever cooperates) and less time being a couch potato. In my defense, I have been sick, and traveling, and working a ton, and sometimes you just need to watch copious amounts of tv while doing nothing productive… But that time is not June. I’ve decided to give up TV for the month, and spend more time reading, running, frolicking outside, yogaing, and getting into a healthier routine.
As with all things, I think moderation is key, as is not being over extreme, so I am allowing myself the occasional nightly news update, and to watch the one or two televised Red Sox games that don’t conflict with my work schedule… oh and I’ll be watching Top Chef, but there are only two episodes in June, so I refuse to feel guilty about that! (really the show serves as more culinary inspiration than anything else).
I’m envisioning lots of evenings spent on my front porch with iced tea, and a good book…
And then there is the running… I’m not as excited about this, but I’m getting there. In a moment of insanity I signed up for a half-marathon in September, and as of today I am starting the training countdown. This half-marathon isn’t going to run itself (although my highly motivated sister-in-law could probably just run it once for me, and once for herself) so here I go into the world of running.
Though I only have one wedding at work this month, June is crazy busy with corporate events, classes, private dinners, seminars, brunches, as well as regular working hours, so I am gearing up for lots of early mornings, even more late nights, and the over-all insanity that comes with working summers at Red Ridge.
I’m very much looking forward to the solstice as well! (There may or may not also be a mile-stone birthday happening at the same time) … thankfully I think I already had my quarter-life-crisis earlier this year, so I’m approaching it without any angst or inner turmoil about what I’m doing with my life. I’m not sure yet exactly how I will celebrate… I already bought myself a trip to Boston, so the day itself might be a little anti-climatic, but I know that there will be mojitos involved  and hopefully I will be eating something that resembles this  And even though it won’t actually be here on my birthday, the cake will be something like this

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