Sunday, July 25, 2010


Ok, Ok, I know there are only six poems…
I didn’t quite make it a whole week. I had every intention of doing it… and then, per usual life just got in the way. I was on vacation with six other people, and everyone on the trip had different ideas about what we should be doing, where we should be going etc, and I have to say that finding time for me to write a poem wasn’t high on anyone’s list. I realize this an excuse, and I could have found the time/ desire had I really wanted to… but when you are constantly surrounded by people for three days, I really felt the need to not have my brain be “on” in my downtime. And so instead I did yoga in the park, drank a few beers, watched a few baseball games, caught up with some friends, and didn’t write…

But six poems are better than five poems, or no poems at all, so overall, I deem the exercise a complete success… I mean, even God rested his creative juices on the 7th day… so I’m taking my cues from him.

So now I’m back from my mini-vacation, and trying to establish my rhythm for the week… It’s hot in my apartment… which makes motivation to do anything but sip on icy cold beverages rather low. My apartment is a mess, my suitcase is still full, there are dishes in the sink, I’ve got lots of work to catch up on, two events this week, and a book report due next week, a hair cut, yoga, half-marathon training… Distractions, distractions, distractions… I know the reality of my everyday is that if I want to get anything done, (in the creative sense) I have to make writing a priority, rather than sitting around waiting for the perfect moment of down-time, or a little nugget of inspiration? Will I be writing a poem everyday this week? Probably not… will I at least be more aware of how I spend my time, and try to make writing a priority? Absolutely.


  1. I would just like to say, that for my own selfish reasons, I fully support you doing another week like this one.

  2. Haha, oh James, are you saying that you don't like my Prose as much as my poetry? =) Maybe when Wedding season is over I'll take on another week.

  3. Oh heavens no!! I'm just such an indecisive person that I love having both to choose from.
