Tuesday, February 28, 2012

15 pound down

Just took some Nyquil and am now writing a blog… this seems a little dangerous, but it’s a short blog tonight I swear. I pretty much cannot remember the last time I crawled in bed before 10PM, but it’s been a long Tuesday, and I’m feeling a little under the weather. Thankfully I’m working from home tomorrow, which means rolling out of bed to take the dog outside, drinking copious amounts of coffee while responding to e-mails and writing a newsletter in my sweatpants. Glorious glorious Wednesday.

I had breakfast with my friend Mari yesterday, and after indulging in a gluten free scone, and a yummy bowl of spinach, grilled veggies, and eggs… we decided to lose 15 pounds. There is nothing like a good challenge, right? My birthday is in 16.5 weeks, so that means to be 15 pounds lighter by summer, we need to loose about a pound a week… totally doable. We are calling it Mar & Tay’s 15 pound down. It’s a simple plan really, drink more water, exercise 3 times a week, stop eating scones, and only drink alcohol on the weekend(ish).  I’m optimistic it will be easy enough to keep up with…

My unofficial goal is to drink 4 water bottles per day…. Though today I only managed 2… I’m building up…

I am also doing 1 salad meal per day… again easy enough. I love making fun salads with interesting ingredients, and it is hard to get bored with salads because you can constantly change them up! Though today it was practically snowing, and my office was 55 degrees, and it was a little hard to be enthusiastic about eating a cold salad… I was dreaming of mac n cheese, and hearty soups…Don’t get me wrong, the salad wasn’t bad… it just wasn’t warm.  I’ll crank up the heat tomorrow long before lunch time.

And as far as drinking goes… we work in the wine industry…. Drinking during the week is sort of a perk, but we are trying to be disciplined, plus we get trade days. Going out for dinner with friends mid week? Have a drink, but then don’t drink one of the weekend days… I think it will be good… though lord knows I will miss coming home and putting my feet up with a glass of wine. Again… discipline.

The last little part is that we have to sit down to eat, especially while snaking. No grazing allowed. I will admit, it seems like you would burn more calories if you are standing, but I realized this weekend while I was at a baby shower that it was so much easier to keep nibbling if I was mobile. Especially since I didn’t know a ton of people… what better way to avoid awkward silence than by looking like you are going in for another spinach ball? (but then you really have to go in for another spinach ball). So yeah, sitting down mindful snacking.

We’ll see how it goes… at least we have each other to keep accountable… and now I’m blogging about it, so its extra motivation. 15 pound down starts now! (well ok, yesterday, but you know.)

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