Saturday, January 1, 2011

Some Resolutions

Hello 2011…
I’ve been thinking about what to write, a summary of 2010, how I feel about resolutions, what ones I might try to make myself… it somehow feels like it should be categorized into several (especially since one of my potential resolutions is to blog more frequently… this could be three days worth of material!) But as they all fall under the same general theme I suppose I can compile it into one.

2010 was, generally speaking, an amazing year for me. Though tumultuous as times, I feel like this past year was one of the most productive and insightful years I’ve had. I started doing more things for myself, and did a lot of soul searching and self-discovery.  I went to Fenway Park, and helped create a local writing festival. I completed yoga school, ran a half marathon, and got a tattoo. I fell in love with my job this past year, and I also fell in love… all fairly monumental things.

2010 was also the year that I did not get into graduate school, that I was evicted from my dream apartment, that I lost some key friendships, and also had my heart broken.
I feel like I laughed more, and also cried more this past year than ever before. (in a completely non-manic depressive sort of way). And I’m curious and optimistic about what 2011 has in store (already I’m looking at starting a new career, and perhaps another move!)

As far as resolutions go, I’m not the biggest fan of them. Well ok, at least the idea of them. I think its slightly ridiculous to set year long goals… its like setting yourself up for failure.I think weekly, and monthly goals are much more attainable, and also rewarding. I might not be able to commit to flossing my teeth every day for a year, but a month? You can do almost anything for a month… and once you get past that month its so much easier to continue in your everyday routine. I think the odd of being successful with short term resolutions is much higher, and therefore that much more rewarding. Plus, if you fall off the wagon, or don’t quite live up to your goals, there is always next month… (which is far less depressing than getting to the end of a year and realizing that all the good intentions you had for yourself never made it past January).  All that being said, I do have a few goals for 2011.

I actually try to come up with resolutions before the New Year, and secretly start integrating them into my life mid December… then when the New Year rolls around, I’m already sort of in gear, and working on things… When I start, it’s not yet a resolution, so there isn’t much pressure, and after the 1st it doesn’t feel like something new, so there isn’t a ton of adjusting.

My first goal for the year is to live more in the present. I am constantly projecting into the future, looking forward to next week, next vacation, next class, next next next… and I often dwell in the past as well. In 2011 I want to focus more on the day to day, and live in each moment. I know I will still look forward to things, and I think that is perfectly normal, but I’m going to attempt to stay more grounded and active in the present.

I’m going to drink more water… I say this every year… I still think it is a good idea… I’m still working on it.

I am going to read more. I have really been struggling lately with books. I can’t seem to find ones that really captivate me, and so I’ll pick one up, read the first three chapters or so, and then put it down and never pick it back up. This year I’m giving myself permission to discard the books that don’t peek my interest. I always feel really guilty when I start a book and don’t finish it, and then I feel like I cannot start another one until I’ve given the current selection due diligence… I understand that this is flawed… There are so many wonderful books out there, just waiting for me to read them, and it’s unfair to myself to get bogged down by something that doesn’t stimulate me. I’m going to read more, and read things that beg me to keep the pages turning, and leave the unfinished books for another time. I’m wiping the slate clean, shelving my 2010 book list, and starting fresh.

I’m going to try to blog more regularly. This may or may not happen, and I’m not going to beat myself up about it if I don’t… life happens. But I’m going to try.
I’m going to attempt to make more local friends… I haven’t quite figured out how this will work… but I’ve got a year. I really crave social interaction outside of work that doesn’t involve driving 2 hours round trip… I want local people that I can grab coffee with or meet for lunch during the week.

I’m going to try to save more money in 2011… and to counter balance that, I’m also giving myself permission to indulge a little bit (yes friends, we will be eating at Marrakesh this year).
I’m also re-introducing some cardio into my life… I wouldn’t say that I’ve let myself go after the half-marathon (hello I still do 6 hours of yoga a week) but I can honestly say that I have not been running since September. A healthy life is all about balance, and I’m going to try to be more diligent about getting in some cardio at least once a week… Even if that just means dancing around my house in my underwear. (just kidding… its way to cold for that right now).

Do I have other goals for the next year? Sure. Will I accomplish all of these? Who knows… it doesn’t seem impossible.

1 comment:

  1. Um...we basically have the same goals :) So glad I know you :)
